Join The Sunday Live Stream
Every Sunday at 9:00 am
A Family With Purpose
We are passionate about understanding the love of God. Grasping the depth of his love for us will change the way we think about ourselves and others. We believe that the Kingdom of God is for now and that you should be prospering in every area of your life. Jesus gave us authority over the evil in our world and we strive to use that authority to bring right to the wrong we see in our valley. We desire to passionately love our God, authentically love our neighbor, and become a family that is known by sacrificial giving to our community. There are no perfect people here but we are family and we look forward to meeting you.
What We Believe
As a Spirit-filled, mission minded community, we focus on being a loving family that is centered on Jesus. We seek to love God with all that we are and demonstrate who He is in all that we do, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to those we encounter.

Jesus Is Lord
Jesus was and is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, performed miracles, died on a cross, atoned for our sins, was resurrected and ascended to the Father and is now the head of the Church.

God Is Love
God’s love for you and I led him to send His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. He calls us His “special possession” and seeks to have a relationship with us by redeeming you and I by His grace.

The Spirit Empowers
The gifts granted by Holy Spirit are for today. They are to empower us to do the work of the Kingdom of God, minister to one another and drive back the darkness.
Stacy & Anne Ratliff
Lead Pastors
We are a family that does life together, encourages one another and seeks God’s will.
I know coming to a new church can be intimidating. What will the people be like, will I fit in? There are no perfect people here! We function as a family, God being our Father, Jesus our Savior and Holy Spirit our guide. It gets messy but that is what love is all about! Come check out our family, I think you will like what you find at Revive Bitterroot!